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  • LIBRARY(description: { api: CoreEngine | AdaptedScript | PrefsWinAPI | Preloader; dependencies?: string[]; name: string; shared: boolean; version: number }): void

  • Library declaration, specifies all the information about library it is called from. Cannot be called from user code.


    • description: { api: CoreEngine | AdaptedScript | PrefsWinAPI | Preloader; dependencies?: string[]; name: string; shared: boolean; version: number }

      object containing all the required information about the library

      • api: CoreEngine | AdaptedScript | PrefsWinAPI | Preloader

        API name.

      • optionaldependencies: string[]

        List of names of libraries that should be loaded before the current library is loaded. Every entry should be either just a library name or library name and version separated by a column (":").

      • name: string

        Library name, used to avoid conflicts when several mods have the same library installed.

      • shared: boolean

        If set to true, the context of the library is shared between mods to allow for better integration.

      • version: number

        Library version, used to load the latest library version if different mods have different library version installed.

    Returns void