AgeCountdown in ticks before entity become adult.
Countdown in ticks before entity start drowning.
Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots. Accessible by index, not marked with Slot
Last attack tick, determines time between attacks.
Entity attributes, such as "minecraft:health"
, "minecraft:follow_range"
, etc.
Entity body yaw rotation in degrees, with offset of Rotation.
Entity may equip, take or replace containing item from drop.
Llama or mule equipped chests.
Entity is dead, which is required to visualize animation of dying.
Tick when entity become dead (health <= 0).
Set of rules applied (starts with +
) or excluded (starts with -
from entity; it includes properties, tasks, etc.
Last synchronized distance between ground and entity.
Fire ticks before burning stopped, alternative of Entity.setFire.
Last hurt tick, determines entity panic/attack state.
Typed entity identifier without tags, such as "minecraft:cow"
Immune to in-game damage types, such as NPCs and Agents.
Normally, entity become angry when attacked.
Entity can move, alternative of Entity.setMobile.
Entity is not adult, so when Age reaches 0
it is not baby.
Entity is eating Mainhand item, displays particles around.
Entity is using elytra (to glide).
Patrols of pillagers following their leader.
Entity breeded and prepared to duplicate itself, such as turtles.
Entity sees dangerous thing around, such as villagers flee.
Entity is standing on water.
Entity is tamed, such as cats or dogs.
Entity is trusting player (do not panic when it came), such as foxes childs breeded by someone.
Dimension from entity transfered when is going to portal, last saved state when loaded into dimension.
Leashed with knot entity (normally, player).
Required on first death tick, drops loot again if set to false
Item set by Entity.setCarriedItem, entities uses it for attack and other AI-related things.
Velocity of physics in-world, vector of moving target.
Entity is naturally spawned, not breeded or summoned.
Item set by Entity.setOffhandItem, in common cases entities ignores it, but players or extra-powered items (Totem of Undying fully restores non-player entities health) are useful.
Entity is standing on landing.
Projectile shooter entity UID.
Entity can not be despawned.
Ticks before entity can move through portal again.
XYZ absolute coordinates, alternative of Entity.setPosition.
Yaw (horizontal rotation angle) and pitch (vertical rotation angle) respectively in degrees, alternative of Entity.setLookAngle.
When pig or strider is saddled (excludes horses or not?).
When sheep or snow golem is sheared.
Entity is sitting, such as players or foxes.
Following, attacking or anything else targeted entity.
Tick when entity is born, used to limitedLife property.
Entity UID, which is passed to Inner Core callbacks.
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Flattened hieracly, extendable in declarations.