Flattened hieracly, extendable in declarations.

interface Entity {
    Age?: number;
    Air: number;
    Armor: NBT.Templates.Item<ItemTag>[];
    AttackTime: number;
    Attributes: EntityAttribute[];
    BodyRot: number;
    boundX: number;
    boundY: number;
    boundZ: number;
    canPickupItems: boolean;
    Chested: boolean;
    Color: number;
    Color2: number;
    Dead: boolean;
    DeathTime: number;
    definitions: string[];
    FallDistance: number;
    Fire: number;
    hasBoundOrigin: boolean;
    HasExecuted: false;
    hasSetCanPickupItems: boolean;
    HomeDimensionId: number;
    HomePos: number[];
    HurtTime: number;
    identifier: string;
    Invulnerable: boolean;
    IsAngry: boolean;
    IsAutonomous: boolean;
    IsBaby: boolean;
    IsEating: boolean;
    IsGliding: boolean;
    IsGlobal: boolean;
    IsIllagerCaptain: boolean;
    IsOrphaned: boolean;
    IsOutOfControl: boolean;
    IsPregnant: boolean;
    IsRoaring: boolean;
    IsScared: boolean;
    IsStunned: boolean;
    IsSwimming: boolean;
    IsTamed: boolean;
    IsTrusting: boolean;
    LastDimensionId: number;
    LeasherID: number;
    limitedLife: number;
    LootDropped: boolean;
    LoveCause: number;
    Mainhand: NBT.Templates.Item<ItemTag>;
    MarkVariant: number;
    Motion: number[];
    NaturalSpawn: boolean;
    Offhand: NBT.Templates.Item<ItemTag>;
    OnGround: boolean;
    OwnerNew: number;
    Persistent: boolean;
    PortalCooldown: number;
    Pos: number[];
    Rotation: number[];
    Saddled: boolean;
    Sheared: boolean;
    ShowBottom: boolean;
    Sitting: boolean;
    SkinID: number;
    Strength: number;
    StrengthMax: number;
    Surface: number;
    Tags: string[];
    TargetID: number;
    TimeStamp: number;
    TradeExperience: number;
    TradeTier: number;
    UniqueID: number;
    Variant: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


Age?: number

Countdown in ticks before entity become adult.

Air: number

Countdown in ticks before entity start drowning.

Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots. Accessible by index, not marked with Slot property.

AttackTime: number

Last attack tick, determines time between attacks.

Attributes: EntityAttribute[]

Entity attributes, such as "minecraft:health", "minecraft:follow_range", etc.

BodyRot: number

Entity body yaw rotation in degrees, with offset of Rotation.

boundX: number
boundY: number
boundZ: number
canPickupItems: boolean

Entity may equip, take or replace containing item from drop.

Chested: boolean

Llama or mule equipped chests.

Color: number
Color2: number
Dead: boolean

Entity is dead, which is required to visualize animation of dying.

DeathTime: number

Tick when entity become dead (health <= 0).

definitions: string[]

Set of rules applied (starts with +) or excluded (starts with -) from entity; it includes properties, tasks, etc.

FallDistance: number

Last synchronized distance between ground and entity.

Fire: number

Fire ticks before burning stopped, alternative of Entity.setFire.

hasBoundOrigin: boolean
hasSetCanPickupItems: boolean
HomeDimensionId: number
HomePos: number[]
[-2147483648, -2147483648, -2147483648] // when not set
HurtTime: number

Last hurt tick, determines entity panic/attack state.

identifier: string

Typed entity identifier without tags, such as "minecraft:cow".

Invulnerable: boolean

Immune to in-game damage types, such as NPCs and Agents.

IsAngry: boolean

Normally, entity become angry when attacked.

IsAutonomous: boolean

Entity can move, alternative of Entity.setMobile.

IsBaby: boolean

Entity is not adult, so when Age reaches 0 it is not baby.

IsEating: boolean

Entity is eating Mainhand item, displays particles around.

IsGliding: boolean

Entity is using elytra (to glide).

IsGlobal: boolean
IsIllagerCaptain: boolean

Patrols of pillagers following their leader.

IsOrphaned: boolean
IsOutOfControl: boolean
IsPregnant: boolean

Entity breeded and prepared to duplicate itself, such as turtles.

IsRoaring: boolean
IsScared: boolean

Entity sees dangerous thing around, such as villagers flee.

IsStunned: boolean
IsSwimming: boolean

Entity is standing on water.

IsTamed: boolean

Entity is tamed, such as cats or dogs.

IsTrusting: boolean

Entity is trusting player (do not panic when it came), such as foxes childs breeded by someone.

LastDimensionId: number

Dimension from entity transfered when is going to portal, last saved state when loaded into dimension.

LeasherID: number

Leashed with knot entity (normally, player).

limitedLife: number

Ticks after TimeStamp when entity become Dead.

LootDropped: boolean

Required on first death tick, drops loot again if set to false.

LoveCause: number
0 // when is not breeded

Item set by Entity.setCarriedItem, entities uses it for attack and other AI-related things.

MarkVariant: number
Motion: number[]

Velocity of physics in-world, vector of moving target.

NaturalSpawn: boolean

Entity is naturally spawned, not breeded or summoned.

Item set by Entity.setOffhandItem, in common cases entities ignores it, but players or extra-powered items (Totem of Undying fully restores non-player entities health) are useful.

OnGround: boolean

Entity is standing on landing.

OwnerNew: number

Projectile shooter entity UID.

Persistent: boolean

Entity can not be despawned.

PortalCooldown: number

Ticks before entity can move through portal again.

Pos: number[]

XYZ absolute coordinates, alternative of Entity.setPosition.

Rotation: number[]

Yaw (horizontal rotation angle) and pitch (vertical rotation angle) respectively in degrees, alternative of Entity.setLookAngle.

Saddled: boolean

When pig or strider is saddled (excludes horses or not?).

Sheared: boolean

When sheep or snow golem is sheared.

ShowBottom: boolean
Sitting: boolean

Entity is sitting, such as players or foxes.

SkinID: number
Strength: number
StrengthMax: number
Surface: number
Tags: string[]
TargetID: number

Following, attacking or anything else targeted entity.

TimeStamp: number

Tick when entity is born, used to limitedLife property.

TradeExperience: number
TradeTier: number
UniqueID: number

Entity UID, which is passed to Inner Core callbacks.

Variant: number

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