Interface StructureBlockEntity

StructureBlock (Structure Block) with ID = 32.

interface StructureBlockEntity {
    data: number;
    dataField: string;
    id: "StructureBlock";
    ignoreEntities: boolean;
    includePlayers: boolean;
    integrity: number;
    isMovable: boolean;
    isPowered: boolean;
    mirror: number;
    redstoneSaveMode: number;
    removeBlocks: boolean;
    rotation: number;
    seed: number;
    showBoundingBox: boolean;
    structureName: string;
    x: number;
    xStructureOffset: number;
    xStructureSize: number;
    y: number;
    yStructureOffset: number;
    yStructureSize: number;
    z: number;
    zStructureOffset: number;
    zStructureSize: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


data: number

Mode of structure block; 0 means load, 1 data (consumed by pools), 2 save.

dataField: string

Metadata to be passed when data is set to data mode.


Typed identifier, such as "Chest", "Beacon", etc.

ignoreEntities: boolean

Load or save NBT data of entities contained in bounds, existing data will be omitted.

includePlayers: boolean

Load or save NBT data of players contained in bounds.

integrity: number

Lower values destructs more random selected blocks.

isMovable: boolean

Block Entity will be saved without instantiating new one when transporting (via pistons, commands, etc.).

isPowered: boolean

Powered by redstone signal?

mirror: number

0 means no mirroring, 1 mirror above x, 2 mirror above y, 3 mirror above z

redstoneSaveMode: number

0 means save signal power (lit lamps, redstone itself, etc.), 1 forget (unlit sources will be updated when structure is placed).

removeBlocks: boolean

Blocks will be merged (with structure air as real air) or pasted as-is.

rotation: number

0 means no rotation, 1 90 degress, 2 180 degress, 3 270 degress.

seed: number

Seed to be passed when configuring integrity

showBoundingBox: boolean

Display bounds of structure in-world, includes vertex frame above.

structureName: string

Vanilla or behavior pack namespaced (first directory determines namespace, subfolders joined with .) relative path to structure, try something like "minecraft:endcity.ship".

x: number
xStructureOffset: number
xStructureSize: number
y: number
yStructureOffset: number
yStructureSize: number
z: number
zStructureOffset: number
zStructureSize: number

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